Saturday, January 14, 2012

Strategic mental Vs Strategic Planning

Strategic reasoning is often described as reflective dialogue about the time to come so that one can avoid pitfalls as well as take benefit of opportunities. It is a process whereby you learn how to make your enterprise foresight a reality by developing your abilities in team work, problem solving, and significant thinking. Strategic reasoning requires you to envision what you want your ideal outcome to be for your enterprise and then works backwards by focusing on the story of How you will be able to reach your vision.

Put another way, strategic reasoning is the potential to think systemically, with a whole systems perspective which often transcends what the assosication is currently engaged in.


Strategy is a term that comes from the Greek, strategia, meaning generalship. Strategy is what you do and it is, in many respects, where you spend your funds and resources. A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to accomplish a singular goal, most often "winning". Strategy is distinct from tactics or immediate actions. Strategies are intended to make the problem or problems easier to understand and solve.

Strategy is about choice, which affects outcomes. Many organizations survive - and do well - for periods of time in conditions of relative stability, low environmental turbulence and limited competition for resources. Over time, virtually none of these conditions prevail in the modern world for great lengths of time for any organization. Therefore, we have the need for strategic management.

Strategic management is significant in situations where an opponent blocks the way to an objective. Strategic reasoning breaks the chains that currently anchor you in survival mode. Strategic reasoning requires that you take a significant look at the fundamental factors that lead to victorious strategic planning.

Strategy should be adaptable rather than a rigid set of instructions which is why strategic reasoning is so important.


Thought or reasoning is a reasoning process that allows human beings to model the world and to deal with it effectively agreeing to their goals, plans, ends and desires. reasoning strategically is not a dry or boring way of thinking, on the contrary, it is a creative, and considerable skill that energizes people and prepares the someone and their assosication ready for the unknown future.

In strategic thinking, there are four viewpoints to take into consideration when forming your enterprise strategy:

  • Environmental view
  • Marketplace view
  • Project view
  • Measurement view.

On the other hand strategic reasoning is about synthesizing, about using your intuition and creativity to formulate anunique perspective or foresight of where the assosication should be heading.


Planning is the organizational process of creating and maintaining a plan. It involves the process of reasoning about the activities required to create a desired time to come on some scale. As such, it is a fundamental idea or behavior. This opinion process is significant to the creation and refinement of a plan, or integrating it into other plans.

Strategic Planning on the other hand is a discipline, which can include innovative elements but essentially focuses on the rigor of development sure how to get from one position to another without falling off the cliff.

Strategic planning is about analysis. In other words, it is about breaking down a goal into steps, determining how the steps could be implemented, and identifying the inherent consequences of each step. Many people assume that strategic planning, strategic thinking, and strategy development are synonymous. To the contrary, strategic reasoning is a complimentary and significant expanding to the process of strategic planning, implementation, and management.

Unfortunately, few strategic decisions are made in the context of a formal process. This typically happens because a company's most foremost strategic decisions are often made as developments unfold. The use of a formal process for strategic reasoning and effective execution is crucial to effective execution correction and productivity enhancement. Maintaining contentious benefit requires an action plan - the allocation of accountability for distinct outcomes to definite people who are passionate about finding them through, and the amelioration of acceptable incentives to motivate the right kind of behavior.

Effectuve execution of strategy requires an insight the link between planning and strategy development. It requires broad-scale and effective information gathering, solution of the mission and issues to be addressed, exploration and amelioration of alternative strategies, and an emphasis on the time to come implications of present decisions.

This requires the measurement of "what are the significant reasoning patterns to cope the paradigm shift that are associated with change?" The best brain comes from inside organizations that can influence the success of your project. A Swot determination is crucial to any strategic reasoning process! It helps define the attendant goals developed as a result of the strategic reasoning process


Creating a strategy for any assosication involves defining goals and intermediate and short-term objectives,. Your goals are the broad results you wish to accomplish over the long term. Your objectives should flow simply from your goals.

Be clear on the goals and outputs, make the "Smart"

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Agreed-Upon
  • Realistic
  • Time-Specific

In addition:

  • Ask yourself what things are foremost to the organization?
  • What perspectives do senior managers have toward organizational priorities, and more specifically, your work team
  • Which of your priorities or goals have the best opportunity to be viewed indubitably at any given moment.

It is significant to ask if the right thing is being done within the context of the organization's strategic direction (mandate, vision, mission, core values and goals and objectives (expectations).


Strategic reasoning is pretty much like viewing a movie - it allows you to see things from "higher up. Strategic reasoning is an attempt to think straight through as many "results" that come from our actions that defeat our purpose.

Strategic reasoning is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. Strategic reasoning is not all the time easy nor should it be. Strategic reasoning involves synthesis, using intuition and creatively forming, a shared vision, of where the assosication should be heading if it is to survive and prosper in the current and time to come market place.

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