Saturday, January 14, 2012

Eating Cherries to Help You Enrich the Blood and Beautify the Skin

Iron is the raw material for synthesizing hemoglobin. For women, iron plays a quite needful role. The investigation of World health organization showed that about 50% of the girls, 20% of adult women and 40% of pregnant women suffered from iron-deficiency anemia.

Cherries can help alleviate anemia. Anemia is primarily determined by the bodily characteristics. Immature girls who are at the period of growth have a great examine for iron. If coupled with the monthly period, they are inclined to suffer from iron-deficiency anemia. Pregnant women and women at the suckling period need to contribute nutrients to the fetus or infant, so their examine for iron is also high.

For older women, their gastrointestinal absorption and hemopoietic function become weak with the growth of age, which can lead to anemia. Secondly, many women are reluctant to eat meat, resulting in unbalanced nutrition. And that is another important guess for iron deficiency. Therefore, eating cherries commonly can not only alleviate anemia, but also treat a series of gynecological diseases caused by anemia.

According to the primary Chinese medicine, cherries have great restorative values. Each part of a cherry can be used as medicine. And its fresh fruit have the functions of sweating, benefiting vital energy, dispersing pathogenic wind and promoting eruption. Besides, cherries are convenient for diet therapy to treat deadness of limbs and rheumatic lumbocrural pain.

When we buy cherries, it is great to choose cherries with stems. In addition, delicate colour and plump peel are also important factors we have to pay concentration to. If there are cherries left, it is great to store them in the refrigerator and the best climatic characteristic is about one below zero.

A cherry is a kind of berry and it can precisely be damaged, so we have to cope cherries gently. In addition, although cherries are tasty, we should not eat too much because there is a inescapable estimate of cyanogenic glycosides in cherries, which can lead to iron poisoning or cyanide poisoning if we eat too many cherries.

Cherries are nutritious and the article of protein, sugar, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin C in a cherry is higher than that of apple and pear. If possible, we can apply cherry juice to the face, which a good way to help us eliminate wrinkles and freckles. What is more, cherries can make the skin become rosy and fair.

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